Why You Should Get Rid of Multiple Timesheets

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Problem: Multiple Timesheets

Some companies or projects require their staff to fill multiple timesheets (i.e. duplicate timesheets). They require staff to fill out a project timesheet, and a separate head company timesheet (such as for a contractor, or alliance). The problem with doing this is that the data may not match, either because of human error when they fill them out, or because of different accounting systems.

It creates duplication of work, wasting time and money.

Some projects or companies expect staff to do their timesheets in their own time. Many people may be willing to do this for a single timesheet system, but if they have to fill out timesheets in another system as well they will get frustrated or see their time as being wasted by the company. This can lead them to not be careful with the second system, skip it, or do that in the work time anyway (costing the project even though the managers may not realise it).

With different timesheets, project managers or their staff also waste a lot of time checking the data each week and correlating the billing and the timesheets.

Solution: Automate Timesheet Transfers

It would be better if project team members fill out one timesheet only and that be the data that costs and time is based on.

If multiple systems are required to be used (such as a project specific timesheet, a head company timesheet, contractor timesheets etc), then it is better to spend the time and money getting the process automated. An automation would mean that the staff only use one timesheet and that data would automatically be sent across to the other timesheet systems if required.

This will save a lot of staff time, translating into cost savings.

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It will also lead to increased project staff satisfaction, due to them seeing less of their time being wasted.

Project time forecasting will also be more accurate.

I believe that the only time a project should have multiple time sheets is if the project is so small, with so few staff, that any work on automating the data transfer process is not worthwhile.

Even in that case, the company you work for should be working on improving their systems to reduce or avoid instances like this. If they are not, I would ask why not?

Many project management software systems include a timesheet system, and there are also many specialist time tracking software systems available.


Multiple timesheet systems waste project staff time and project management time.

Remove the need for multiple timesheets completely, or if that is not possible, then automate the data transfer process so that project staff do not have to do it.

This will save time, costs, and will increase staff satisfaction.

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