Short RFP/RFQ/RFT response times reduce the quality of project proposals and ultimately increase project costs. Reduce the chances of this happening by allowing sufficient time for companies to prepare quality proposals.
You don’t want to wait weeks and months for a client to approve your proposal. Save time and win more business by understanding the approval delegation limits of your client.
When requesting and evaluating tenders make sure your specifications are very clear about what is required. Also check that the tenderers clearly describe what they offer. When accepting and signing …
If you work on an alliance project or any project where some tasks are done by a collection of organisations, make sure there is a clear and simple procedure for …
Keep a careful watch on external dependencies. External things such as deliveries, contracts, and approvals that could delay your project if late. They may not be your direct responsibility and …
Before the final signing of a contract with a supplier or contractor, review their status to make sure they are still capable of delivering as originally discussed. They may have …
If you are in the water industry or an industry that deals with pipes, valves, or pumps then make sure you have a copy of the pipe sizes available, internal …