Provide Advance Notice for Meetings

People planning meetings around a calendar. Provide advance notice for meetings -

Booking last minute meetings causes distraction, delays projects, slows people’s work, and doesn’t encourage good attendance. Schedule meetings with as much advance notice as possible.

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Go to Meetings Prepared

Blackboard with the words "Be Prepared" - Go to Meetings Prepared -

Meetings take time. Being prepared for meetings as the organiser, and as an attendee, saves time in meetings and makes them more productive. It is also much more professional.

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Start Meetings On time

Starting meetings on time and finishing on time creates in the team a sense of organisation and planning. If meetings constantly start late, people will turn up later and later. …

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Tight Schedules

Bid teams / tender teams often bid for projects that the company can’t do. They will make a schedule that is too tight, or have milestones that are impossible to …

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