Evidence for Late Completion

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If not properly managed, some projects you are managing will end up being completed late. Even though there may be legitimate reasons for this, it is your responsibility as the project manager and so you will get blamed. The client will usually not be happy, and consequently your costs will also usually be higher than budgeted.


Manage your extensions of time properly:

  • Keep documentary evidence for late delivery of deliverables and also of the project as a whole.
  • Record wet weather, delays due to power failures, design changes, slow client responses or other factors outside of your control.
  • Also keep records of extra scope, variations and the like that you have been requested or required to do to complete the project.
  • Keep all these in an easy to read format that lists the number of days that each one extends the project.

All of these should be part of your variation process, whereby you inform the client of expected extra costs or delays due to factors such as those above and claim extra costs and extensions of time. These should normally be part of your contract, and there should be a clear process to claim for these.

If done properly, your accepted variations and extension of time claims will have extended the project budget and schedule and this will reflect positively on you. However make sure this is clearly documented and visible to the client and also to your internal company system and managers.


Properly managed and documented variations to the project schedule and costs will keep the client happy and also your company systems and management happy.

Correctly managed and evidenced, your project will show that it is meeting the revised and agreed schedule.

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