Confirmation of Transmittals
Get confirmation from the client or contractors that they received transmittals. Make sure this is in writing (preferably a signed transmittal form).
Get confirmation from the client or contractors that they received transmittals. Make sure this is in writing (preferably a signed transmittal form).
Copy notes or minutes of meetings with the client to the client. Don’t just keep them in the project file. This is important for legal reasons, as you can then …
Don’t get blanket approvals on drawings or designs without each one being marked as approved by the client. A client may send documentation stating that the designs or drawings are …
Make sure that the contract specifies the length of time allowed for approvals or decisions. When drawings or documents are sent to the client for approval, you need to know …
Always act professionally in dealing with everyone involved with the project, even people just visiting or on site. Many people on construction sites may act in what is often expected …
If a client representative asks or instructs you to do something on site (of any value or lasting effect) get it in writing before doing it. For example, if the …
Make sure that you and your company agree with the contract, if you don’t, change it. Even if you have worked with the client before or know them well and …
Keep good control of client communication. Ensure all important communications are between the project manager and the client project manager, especially for cost, schedule and scope decisions.