Inspection and Verification of Construction Works
Inspection and verification of construction works is important. Ensure the inspector is independent and readily available for witnessing of works.
Inspection and verification of construction works is important. Ensure the inspector is independent and readily available for witnessing of works.
Install safety or security fences around physical works areas. Do a safety risk assessment to determine the type of fence required. Allow enough budget.
Set hold points for your projects, in the scope documents, specifications and especially on the drawings. Enforce inspection of these hold points, to ensure the scope and quality requirements are met.
Wet weather can cause delays to your project. Allow for wet weather in your project schedule. This will make getting extensions of time and cost easier.
Construction stage services cost more if the design is still being done when construction begins. Target all the design to be done before construction begins. If that is not possible, …
Whenever painted steelwork or other equipment is to be lifted, transported etc, consideration should be given to reducing damage to the paint. Slings, forklifts, chains or other equipment is often …
Consider seasonal influences on construction. Wet/dry season, snow, monsoon, etc. Be prepared for this and plan accordingly, with allowance for unexpected weather.
When ordering lots of smaller items (e.g. 50 x 40mm PVC ball valves) it is a good idea to order 5 to 10 percent more than required. This allows for …
At the planning stage of your project, check if other projects might affect yours. For example: Planned road works in front of the access gate to the site. Upgrades of …
Plan your lay down area for delivery and storage of equipment. You may have a marked “area” supplied by the client but you should mark on the ground exactly where …