Wet Weather Delays
Wet weather can cause delays to your project. Allow for wet weather in your project schedule. This will make getting extensions of time and cost easier.
Wet weather can cause delays to your project. Allow for wet weather in your project schedule. This will make getting extensions of time and cost easier.
Meetings take time. Being prepared for meetings as the organiser, and as an attendee, saves time in meetings and makes them more productive. It is also much more professional.
Booking last minute meetings causes distraction, delays projects, slows people’s work, and doesn’t encourage good attendance. Schedule meetings with as much advance notice as possible.
Due dates are often not set clearly. Be specific with time based language. Specify the date and time something is due. This will reduce misunderstandings on when things are due.
Delays on projects are very common. Record the reasons for all project delays. Notify your client of delays in the project schedule as soon as possible, whether the delay is the clients fault or not.
Write and use a good Project Management Plan. A project management plan is one of the most important project documents. Every project should have one. Even a short plan is better than no plan.
Your company should have regular projects review meetings. This should include all the head project managers, production managers, installation managers, purchasing manager, tender manager, etc. The aim of this meeting …
Make sure that the contract specifies the length of time allowed for approvals or decisions. When drawings or documents are sent to the client for approval, you need to know …
Install safety or security fences around physical works areas. Do a safety risk assessment to determine the type of fence required. Allow enough budget.
A good timesheet and labour forecasting system should make the task of budget forecasting much more efficient and accurate, saving time and money.