Prioritise Tasks That Others Depend On
Make sure you put a priority on tasks that other people require to be completed before they can start on their tasks. Your team members may require you to approve …
Make sure you put a priority on tasks that other people require to be completed before they can start on their tasks. Your team members may require you to approve …
Although this is an organisation issue, not just a project issue, it is important to make sure your team does not send messages to all for something that is specific …
If you (or others) are to travel for meetings, confirm that they have been scheduled. Projects with committees or bureaucracy may overlook setting the times or places and informing everyone …
Consider seasonal influences on construction. Wet/dry season, snow, monsoon, etc. Be prepared for this and plan accordingly, with allowance for unexpected weather.
Check the funding sources of your clients. Especially local council clients who rely on funding that often changes.
Check and confirm geotechnical reports that are supplied to you in a contract. The client may supply reports that are old or inaccurate. Specify in the contract that you are …
Manage the priorities of your projects. Consider them in relation to other projects, business lines in the organisation, geographic areas, and functional managers.
Get to know the usual time schedules for producing plans, drawings, and designs in your organisation. Estimates may be 2 weeks but people with experience in the organisation may know …
Eliminating unnecessary features in design will give the largest savings in a project. If your client wants costs cut, look for the most costly features (in design cost and construction …
You must learn to say no to some requests from clients If change requests from the client will make the design unsafe or unusable, you should refuse to change it. …