Prepare for Workshops and Presentations
When running or coordinating a workshop or a presentation, make sure you have a printout of all the presentation so you can easily track where the presenter is up to. …
When running or coordinating a workshop or a presentation, make sure you have a printout of all the presentation so you can easily track where the presenter is up to. …
If you want to get a collection of good ideas from your team, avoid using brainstorming. Brainstorming means everyone puts forward ideas in a group meeting, but people will often …
Make sure you allow enough time in your project plan for designs and drawings to be approved, internally as well as by the client. It is common to need 1-2 …
Document storage and retrieval is a vital aspect for most projects. If your company doesn’t have a good file storage system then I would suggest you make your own. For …
Encourage or train team members to use their workspace effectively, safely and more productively by supplying good, comfortable adjustable chairs, wrist supports, etc. This leads to less sick time, more …
Make sure your team is skilled and trained in using the basic functions of their computers as efficiently as possible. Possibly run some short workshops on the use of keyboard …
Encourage and discipline your team members to use neat writing when making notes on drawings or things which others must read or refer to. Messy or illegible writing slows the …
Identify the specialist expertise you will need for the project as early as possible. This could include designers of specialised equipment or processes that are not normally done by your …
Microsoft Outlook or similar programs allow you to send meeting requests to people. This is a quick and effective way for meetings to be set without wasting time calling around …
Make sure you put a priority on tasks that other people require to be completed before they can start on their tasks. Your team members may require you to approve …