If your company is involved in site inspections, site supervision, or site management take lots of photos. Make sure to file these photos by name (location, item) and date.
Some of the important sets of photos I take are:
- Site conditions before the start of the project, and at the end of the project.
- Stages of construction.
- Any significant works
- Ground work
- Accidents
- Unsafe areas or work
- Ground conditions
- Influences on the project that cause delays.
- Detailed unusual or unfamiliar items (helps with design clarification).
- Reinforcement in concrete
- Damage to equipment, or buildings (especially if caused by client)
Ideally you should put together a collection of photos that tracks the project as it progresses.
Make it a regular scheduled activity.
Particularly take photos whenever you or your company have to witness something (e.g. placement of reinforcement).