Focus on Important Tasks
Help yourself focus on the first important task in the morning by putting that task on your keyboard before you leave the office the day before. This reminds you as …
Help yourself focus on the first important task in the morning by putting that task on your keyboard before you leave the office the day before. This reminds you as …
Encourage your team (and yourself) to spend a specific time each week in tidying their desk. This should include: Stacking and filing piles of paper neatly. Putting papers into sections …
Find a way for everyone in your project team to get to know each other’s names and each other’s roles. This will help the team to work better together, and …
Learn to use the tools you require Do a short course in the use of software such as: Excel (or whatever spreadsheet program you use) Word Project (Microsoft, Primavera etc) …
Consider using wiki software as an internal intranet. Particularly for a company with no intranet yet, or for a large project. Is fully search-able All changes are recorded and stored …
Make sure team members are given access cards, login passwords etc as soon as they start on the job. An induction should be done as soon as possible, including giving …
Timesheet cost codes for staff are very important. Clarify with all project team members what cost codes they should book their time to.
If you set a task for someone to update or change a document, you should clarify: What the purpose of the document is Who it is for, who will then …
Make sure you and your client agree on the deliverables expected for the project. Sometimes a contract may specify deliverables without enough detail. This could lead to you delivering something …
To overcome blind spots in your project, get other project managers (from outside that project) to review your project. This should be done regularly as part of a scheduled process. …