Do Safety in Design Properly
Do safety in design properly. Ensure your project and company have well developed systems to ensure it is done properly. Document your safety in design checks properly.
Do safety in design properly. Ensure your project and company have well developed systems to ensure it is done properly. Document your safety in design checks properly.
Install safety or security fences around physical works areas. Do a safety risk assessment to determine the type of fence required. Allow enough budget.
You must allow time and budget to do safety in design. This will reduce the structure’s safety risk and your, your designer and your companies legal risk.
A good timesheet and labour forecasting system should make the task of budget forecasting much more efficient and accurate, saving time and money.
It is best to have a single source of data in your storage system for all information on a project. It should be easy to use, accessible to all staff, and remove the need for storing documents or information all over the place.
Set hold points for your projects, in the scope documents, specifications and especially on the drawings. Enforce inspection of these hold points, to ensure the scope and quality requirements are met.
Ensure your company and your project have good, easy to use verification systems (Quality Assurance) in place to ensure that your project delivers to the quality expected by your company and by the client.
Save time and money with a well organised list of suppliers and contractors that can be contacted for work to help deliver your project.
Avoid problems later by checking early in the project who is responsible for what aspect of the project and who has authority to approve what. Document this.
Due dates are often not set clearly. Be specific with time based language. Specify the date and time something is due. This will reduce misunderstandings on when things are due.