Up to Date Contact List
Keep the central internal project contact list up to date. This should be a company wide database that is frequently updated with the names, positions and roles of each employee …
Keep the central internal project contact list up to date. This should be a company wide database that is frequently updated with the names, positions and roles of each employee …
Make sure your company has a good system to record contacts information. This should include: Clients Suppliers Contractors Industry contacts. Everything known about the contact should be able to be …
Bid teams / tender teams often bid for projects that the company can’t do. They will make a schedule that is too tight, or have milestones that are impossible to …
Make sure your team members know their roles, job description, and what they should be working on. You as the project manager or line manager should define and clarify the …
Take up offers or opportunity in any training offered by your company or by a head contractor. Benefits include: Increases your skills and abilities. Gives you recognition within your company. …
Good project handover is important. Give the new project manager a project summary document and also hold a handover meeting.