Your company should have regular projects review meetings. This should include all the head project managers, production managers, installation managers, purchasing manager, tender manager, etc. The aim of this meeting …
Bid teams / tender teams often bid for projects that the company can’t do. They will make a schedule that is too tight, or have milestones that are impossible to …
Put risk activities in your schedule (plan). Your client is more likely to accept allowances for risk if you can show how it is worked out, how long it is …
Make sure every document you create has the file path and file name in the header or footer. This will mean that all printouts will show where the file was …
Check if “unsuitable” soil/fill is really contaminated. It might me that it was just wet or not compact-able. It may not be contaminated. Avoid paying for removal of “contaminated” material …
If you have control of the system at the start of a project, make sure the project (or even at the program level, project office level, or company level) uses …
Keep track of and in contact with colleagues, former colleagues, industry contacts, old friends in similar or related industries, clients, former clients, uni friends, etc. This can help getting introductions, …
Make sure your team members know their roles, job description, and what they should be working on. You as the project manager or line manager should define and clarify the …
Get certificates that are required for your job. This will save you time, and enable your company to place you on projects immediately if you are selected (without having to …