Scan Large Specifications
When reading a large specification, to avoid inducing sleep, scan it by key words. If possible, when given a specification by a client, get the it in electronic form. This …
When reading a large specification, to avoid inducing sleep, scan it by key words. If possible, when given a specification by a client, get the it in electronic form. This …
Find out what is most critical for a particular project – Time, Quality, or Cost For example, a sports event launch is not time negotiable. It must be on time, …
Spend a few moments to consider where your project fits in with the business. Tiny extra costs may not be worth the time or effort to try to reduce. You …
Even if there is nothing to report to the client, report regularly to a schedule. This gives the client a current report for their internal systems and means they are …
For contracts longer than 12 months, you should have a clause to allow unknown technologies to be added. Particularly for high tech and IT projects. Part way through a long …
A contract is a risk allocation and control device. Remember the importance of the contract.
Make sure you know what the client really wants. You are working for them as a means to an end. Make sure you know what this end result is supposed …
Make sure your team members always have work to do. Give them a list of lower priority tasks (such as improving certain systems) that they can do when they have …
Identify and Manage Risks Properly This enables you to reduce or eliminate risks. Helps you make plans for each major risk. Reduces the possibility of things going wrong in the …
Make sure to write the lessons learned for each project. This should include what has been done right, wrong, and what you would do differently if you could redo the …