Lessons Learned
Make sure to write the lessons learned for each project. This should include what has been done right, wrong, and what you would do differently if you could redo the …
Make sure to write the lessons learned for each project. This should include what has been done right, wrong, and what you would do differently if you could redo the …
Find a template showing the common responsibilities on your type of project. Your organization may have one. This helps with assigning responsibilities and makes sure nothing is forgotten.
As a project manager you should produce performance measurements of your project. These could be measurements such as: Planned Value Earned Value Actual Cost Budget At Completion Estimate At Completion …
Use a template for your work breakdown structure Before starting on your WBS, check if your organization has a template for the WBS for similar types of projects. If no …
As a project manager you should make sure all your team members submit claims, hours, expenses etc as soon as possible, and definitely before the end of month accounting date. …
You should make sure that terminology that is ambiguous or unclear is made clear with definitions. This can avoid mistakes and reduce the time necessary to re-design. For example: “Rail …
Instigate and enforce a good change management system Change management coordinators and people who have to approve changes spend a lot of time chasing signatures, putting information in to spreadsheets, …
Encourage your team (and yourself) to spend a specific time each week in tidying their desk. This should include: Stacking and filing piles of paper neatly. Putting papers into sections …
Consider using wiki software as an internal intranet. Particularly for a company with no intranet yet, or for a large project. Is fully search-able All changes are recorded and stored …
If you set a task for someone to update or change a document, you should clarify: What the purpose of the document is Who it is for, who will then …